Andy Beshear Stops Conversion Therapy for Minors in Kentucky

Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear on Wednesday announced a ban on "conversion therapy" on minors in Kentucky, a long-awaited step to protect children from the discredited practice of changing their sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling. More than 20 states now have similar bans. Governor Beshear Stands Up for Children:...

Indonesia Mulls Over Ban on Investigative Reporting and LGBT Content

A proposal by Indonesia's parliament to amend the broadcasting law has sparked criticism from civil society groups and filmmakers due to its potential ban on investigative journalism and LGBT-related content. The proposal has been accused of curtailing press freedom and artistic expression. Debates on Restrictions: Indonesia's Broadcast Law Amendment Discussions...

Civil partnership law in Poland: new prospects for same-sex couples

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced the preparation of a bill on civil partnerships, noting that it will not be presented in the Sejm until it receives support from parties in the ruling coalition. Expanding the rights of same-sex couples: approval of the law in Poland Tusk said that he...

Italy: general removed due to homophobia and racism

Italian Army General Roberto Vannacci has been placed on an 11-month suspension from his duties for publishing a book whose contents disparage the LGBT community, migrant individuals, and advocates for gender equality.This information is reported by Reuters, citing Vannacci's lawyer. General Vannacci is stripped of his official duties because of...

Comparison of the situation with LGBT rights in Europe: Malta vs Poland

Malta becomes first in Europe to ban conversion therapy. Malta remains a leader in the region and has long maintained ILGA standards of 89 percent. Caterina Camilleri, a spokeswoman for the organization, noted that Malta had become one of the pioneers in Europe in banning conversion therapy, a method previously...

New Study Shows Children of Gay Dads Via Surrogacy Thrive More Than Those of Heterosexual Couples

A recent study published in "Family Process" has revealed groundbreaking findings: children of gay fathers conceived through surrogacy exhibit higher levels of happiness and adjustment compared to children of heterosexual parents conceived naturally. Comprehensive Study Across Europe This significant research involved 67 two-dad families and an equal number of heterosexual...