Problems of marriages of LGBT people in various countries around the world

Issues related to LGBT marriages may vary around the world depending on the sociocultural, legal and political context. Here are some common problems faced by same-sex marriages in different countries:

Legalization: In many countries, same-sex marriage is still not recognized by law, creating legal and social problems for gays and lesbians who want to legalize their union.

Discrimination: In countries where same-sex marriage is legally recognized, there is a problem of discrimination and bias against gays and lesbians, both in society and in education, health care and workplaces.

Access to Rights: In some countries, individuals of the same sex may be granted limited rights and privileges that are not equal to those of opposite-sex married couples, creating inequality before the law.

Social Acceptance: In different cultural and religious contexts, same-sex marriage may face social rejection and stigma, leading to social isolation and emotional difficulties.

International Recognition: Same-sex marriages in one country are not always automatically recognized in other countries, which can create problems when moving and living around the world.

Parental Rights: For same-sex couples who have children, there may be legal and social complexities related to parental rights, adoption, and raising children.

Legal protections: In some countries, marriage laws may be weaker and less clear, which can create legal uncertainty and difficulties in divorce or property division.

Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation: Some countries have passed anti-LGBTQ+ laws that restrict the rights of families of same-sex couples to be accepted in society.

These issues vary from country to country, and many of them remain the subject of debate and struggle for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community in various regions of the world.

Nations where same-sex marriages lack legal recognition or are subject to limitations.


The legal status of same-sex marriages differs across countries, with some nations not recognizing them or imposing restrictions. Below is a compilation of countries where same-sex unions are either not acknowledged or constrained:

Russia:In Russia, official legal recognition of same-sex marriage is absent, and there exists a law prohibiting the “promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships among minors.”

Kazakhstan: Same-sex marriage is not recognized in Kazakhstan, and legislation restricts the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Ukraine: In Ukraine, same-sex marriages have still not received legal recognition, although the country has an active LGBTQ+ movement that promotes equality.

Poland: Poland, too, does not acknowledge same-sex marriages, and the nation has implemented laws that are considered anti-LGBTQ+.

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia: These nations do not provide legal recognition to marriages between individuals of the same gender..

Hungary: Hungary passed constitutional changes further solidifying its stance against same-sex marriage, it defines marriage as a union exclusively between a man and a woman

Romania: In Romania, the legal recognition of same-sex marriage is not in place., and the country has anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.

This is just a small list of countries where same-sex marriage is not recognized or has restrictions. This may change over time as some countries work on reforms and fight for equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.

Robert De Niro and some other famous people have parents who are members of the LGBT community

Today, attitudes towards same-sex families have become more tolerant than previously, but there are still some problems associated with these issues. Many people no longer hide the fact that they were raised either only by their fathers or only by their mothers. By the way, there are also many famous personalities who grew up in LGBT families.

Robert De Niro

The actor was born into a family of artists, with parents named Robert De Niro Sr. and Virginia Admiral. However, when the actor was just three years old, his parents went their separate ways because his father came to terms with his homosexuality. De Niro Sr. tried to start a new stage in his personal life, but faced social pressure due to his sexual orientation and, unfortunately, was unable to fulfill his dream of starting his own family with his chosen one. The actor himself maintained a close relationship with his father until his death, showing support and sympathy. This was especially significant given that the father was unable to fulfill his dream of starting his own family due to the difficult circumstances surrounding his homosexuality.

Amy Adams

Actress Amy Adams’ family background was truly unique, but not because of the rural location. Her father was a former military man who later became a country singer, while her mother was an active bodybuilder. This unusual family had seven children. However, constant conflicts and misunderstandings led to divorce when Amy was about 10 years old. Her mother initially took on the responsibility of raising the children on her own, but eventually found a partner whom the children referred to as their “second mother.” Interestingly, it was this second mother who provided support to the future actress when she strongly resisted getting involved in athletics, as her biological mother had encouraged.