The fight for equality: challenges and prospects for LGBT+ people in India

India, with its rich culture, history and diversity, is an amazing combination of tradition and modernity. However, within this colorful mosaic there are also serious social and legal challenges facing LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other) people. In the context of India's rich cultural heritage and traditional values, LGBT+...

Health of transgender people: vulnerability to various diseases

Transgender people have a higher risk of chronic disease compared to their straight gender peers, according to a recent study. These reasons can be both physical and emotional. Social rejection and discrimination also have a notable impact in this. Experts identify the following diseases: cardiovascular conditions, neurological ailments, psychological problems,...

A new stage in equality: Nepal legalizes the first same-sex marriage

In a groundbreaking move, Nepal has officially recognized its first-ever marriage between individuals of the same gender, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing battle for LGBTQ+ rights. This historic union brought together Maya Gurung, a 36-year-old transgender woman who had been legally registered as male, and Surendra Pandey, a...

Comparison of the situation with LGBT rights in Europe: Malta vs Poland

Malta becomes first in Europe to ban conversion therapy. Malta remains a leader in the region and has long maintained ILGA standards of 89 percent. Caterina Camilleri, a spokeswoman for the organization, noted that Malta had become one of the pioneers in Europe in banning conversion therapy, a method previously...

Problems of marriages of LGBT people in various countries around the world

Issues related to LGBT marriages may vary around the world depending on the sociocultural, legal and political context. Here are some common problems faced by same-sex marriages in different countries: Legalization: In many countries, same-sex marriage is still not recognized by law, creating legal and social problems for gays and...

Biden Honors Trans Lives on Transgender Day of Remembrance

On November 20, 2023, President Biden marked Transgender Day of Remembrance by honoring the memory of transgender individuals who have fallen victim to violence. He called for urgent measures to combat the prejudice and hatred they endure. Mourning Transgender Victims In his Monday statement, President Biden mourned the loss of...